martes, 30 de julio de 2013

Tuesday July 30th, 2013

Escucha de Textos Sencillos en Inglés
My Day: Adquirir vocabulario para hablar de sus rutinas y ocupaciones diarias
Lectoescritura de Textos Sencillos en inglés:
Present simple.

Understand Present Siple Tense in third person.

Write Bart's parragraph as He.

Prepare your presentations.

Finish project.
Start practicing Present Simple Exercises

Thursday, July 25th

Escucha de Textos Sencillos en Inglés
My Day: Adquirir vocabulario para hablar de sus rutinas y ocupaciones diarias
Lectoescritura de Textos Sencillos en inglés:
Present simple.

Read a short parragraph about Bart Simpsom

Reading Comprehension
Understand the structure of affirmative sentences.

Sign up to
Write a parragraph similar to Bart Simpsom's one about yourself <3

Recommendation: For checking vocabulary visit

martes, 23 de julio de 2013

Tuesday July 16th, 2013

Escucha de Textos Sencillos en Inglés
About me: Como presentarse y responder preguntas personales.
Lectoescritura de Textos Sencillos en inglés:
Como presentarse y responder preguntas personales.

Activity: Change roles.

Ask and anwer personal question getting a different personality

Practice: Personal information

Tuesday July 9th, 2013

Escucha de Textos Sencillos en Inglés
About me: Como presentarse y responder preguntas personales.
Lectoescritura de Textos Sencillos en inglés:
Be affirmative. Yes/No Question, short answers

Game am I???

Am I a teacher?
Am I old?
Am I a girl?
Am I a boy?
Am I an artisit?

Thursday July 4th, 2013

Escucha de Textos Sencillos en Inglés
About me: Como presentarse y responder preguntas personales.
Lectoescritura de Textos Sencillos en inglés:
Be affirmative. Yes/No Question, short answers

Game are you???

Are you Colombian?
Are you from Bogota?
Are you a girl?
Are you a singer?

The alphabet

Organize the letters of the alphabet according to their pronunciation:

How do you spell...?

Now practice answer the following questions:

How do you spell...?

Your first name?
your last name?
the coty where you live?
Your mother´s name?

Listening Practice

Please, check the following link :D

Thursday July 11th, 2013

Escucha de Textos Sencillos en Inglés
About me: Como presentarse y responder preguntas personales.
Lectoescritura de Textos Sencillos en inglés:
Be affirmative. Yes/No Question, short answers, Personal Information

What's your name?

What's is your first name?
What 's your last name?
What's your middle name?
Where are you from?
How old are you?
How do you spell...?

Practice those questions and be ready for a qüiz.


Famous Family: August 8th.
  1. Look for a famous family
  2. Take all this information: Full name; first name, last name, age, address, e-mail addres, telephone number, nationality, profession.
  3. Design a family tree
  4. Envent the routine.What do they do every day.
My life. Sep 26th.
  1. Look for a famous family
  2. Take all this information: Full name; first name, last name, age, address, e-mail addres, telephone number, nationality, profession.
  3. Envent the routine.What do they do every day.

Material for children. Nov 19th

Create a portfolio/blog with all the songs and activities we have don in class for the children and you have looking for.
Prepare a class where you will teach a couple of songs.

Tuesday July 23th, 2013

Escucha de Textos Sencillos en Inglés
My Day: To talk about your dayly routines.
Lectoescritura de Textos Sencillos en inglés:
Verbs describing day to day activities.

Objectives: To Recognize vocabulary about our daily activities.

Material to use today:
My Favorite thing
Bart´s routines
Songs learn last class
Present simple vocabulary.
Autonomous Practice
Exercise: Practice the vocabulary and get all the vocabulary to create material for the children in class

jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

Thursday July 18th, 2013


  • To get to know the differences between this-that/ these-those.
  • To read four paragraphs about favorite things.
  1. We analyze some examples using this-that these-those then did the exercises (see pic 1) and practice role playing acting out the examples.
  2. To read four paragraphs about people's favorite things and: * Look for the unknown vocabulary. * Read it. Answer the questions in number 2. (see pic 2)
  •  Finish the links of Verb to be
  • Check the vocabulary in the following links.

Thursday 26th June, 2013

Our first class:


  • Class Introduction.
  • Setting up the rules.
  • Setting up objectives for our module.

I am sorry for the quality. If you need a hard copy, just let me know and I will send it in an e-mail message!